Wednesday 5 October 2016

Time factor

Hi friends,
I would love to share something that burns so hot on my heart and which has been so much trivialised today especially among young people-TIME.I have decided to make this article simple and conversational in style so as to make it look like you and I are having a heart-to-heart dialogue together.Really, that is what this article is all about.
Time is simply defined as the duration of an event. So,  we can infer that there can't be any event without time. Nothing just happens in life. Every great successes in life is achieved on the heels of respect for time. Unfortunately, in this part of the world, we have little or no respect for time. That is why we are not really making much happen on the global scene.The cliche "African Time" is a menace to the black race. I am there today to give you a mind shift with respect to the subject of time.
Your life will be dormant and unproductive until you begin to have a consciousness of time in all that you do. Maximizing time is maximizing your future and destiny because your future is time bound.We often live as if we have all the time. That is why we sleep a little bit more when we should be awake and off the bed. The young teenager feels,  "Oh I am still young" let me play more games now and have fun. But he fails to understand that he is not getting any younger.
Dear reader, I want you to understand that time is given you as a seed. You don't watch a seed or put it on the table and expect it to grow. It is much the same with time. Time is your seed power to earning a great future.Don't waste that seed.Plant it.
If you need to acquire more education, please do,  if you need more training, do. Attend that course.Stop wasting time. Invest it and you will have much more time to do the things that give you fulfilment and satisfactory.The more you can invest your time, the more you will find out that you have much more time than you can imagine. Your time is your life. Wasting it is wasting your life. You and I will not be here forever.The more reason we must invest Every second we have moving towards our vision and dreams.
There is a wise and foolish way to invest time. Investing time in an activity that doesn't give you satisfaction  and a sense of fulfilment is a very wrong way to invest time. That kind of investment will yield no dividend.When you begin to invest your time towards a task that gives you utmost joy and fulfilment within,  then are you investing time wisely.
I want to believe this post has inspired you in a way. Please, feel free to drop your comments and/or questions.

Moses Oladele